Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A touch of nostalgia... NES

It may seem like such a century, but only 10 years ago we were rocking those 8-bit consoles for our gaming needs. And even though the graphics looked only slightly better than pea soup, we had hundreds of hours of fun. Today, I'm going to share some of my personal favorites with you guys, and by doing so, I'll be going back to those days i spent in front of my NES.

Double Dragon 2, The Revenge - Oh man, this game I overplayed like no tomorrow. Basically you pick a red fighter or a Blue fighter and you just go around smacking the shit out of people. Now that I think back, I wouldn't find it all that great but man when i was 9 years old, there was nothing better. I will never forget those weekends when a friend and I would pick up those perfect rectangle shaped controllers and play till the corners of the rectangular controllers hurt our hands. We would of course play co-op mode, but no hurting your partner (mode A, If I recall correctly). There was always that "ooohhhh" when one of us would get a dude in a headlock and knee him in the face. "Did you see that?! Did you?"

The game was fairly short but decent for a NES title, it had a minor storyline (which we always skipped as fast as we could) and respectable graphics. Best of all, the animations were good and varied, the framerate was steady and the game was well polished. That front cover, I admired every damn day. I always fantasized what that scene was depicting, and even though I had already played the game for dozens of hours, that giddy feeling of slotting that game in just once more never left me for a moment.

Ninja Gaiden - Oooh, the rage. This game made me scream in agony many, many times until i finally would rage and throw that same perfect rectangular controller. Well, I didnt play this nearly as much as I played Double Dragon 2, but I watched my Dad play (he was actually pretty damn good!). I was a wee little lad and I just didnt understand the mechanics, but bloody hell it had ninjas, and what better than the king ninja, Ryu Hayabusa?!

Well, I've bored you enough with my 'old man' rambling. I guess If there's anything you can take from this little article, it's that those good old classics are worth a revisit (even if its with emulators and roms!)

Dont worry guys, I'll post some real news next time! If you like this sort of article, then let us know! Drop a comment and well do our best to comply!


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